
Chia Seeds: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

Lower the Chances of Having a Heart Disease

Chia seeds have a high fiber, protein, and omega-3 fatty acid content which may help lower the risk of heart disease. Some studies show that chia seeds significantly lowers blood pressure in those with hypertension, which is a major cause of heart disease. Therefore, daily intake of chia seeds will help ensure that your chances of having heart disease reduce day by day.

Reduce Chronic Inflammation

When the skin is red and swollen, it is an example of inflammation. Inflammation is the body’s response to any form of infection, pain, or injury. Inflammation can be beneficial in the body as it helps the body heal and fights off bacteria, it can however sometimes be harmful. This applies to chronic inflammation [2] which is a risk factor for heart disease and cancer. Most times, chronic inflammation isn’t visible but can be checked by measuring the inflammatory markers in the blood. Unhealthy habits like smoking, overindulging in alcohol, lack of exercise, and a poor diet, increases your risk of chronic inflammation.

A study was done on 20 people with diabetes for 3 months, and this study showed that eating 37 grams of chia seeds every day lowers the inflammatory marker hs-CRP [3] by 40%. The study was conducted comparing the effect of consuming chia seeds and wheat bran. It turned out that those who got wheat bran didn’t encounter any life-changing benefits.