
High Purine Foods – Foods that Contain High Levels of Purines


The liver is one of the organ meats that contain a high level of purine and should be avoided for individuals with gout. Beef liver contains several vitamins and other essential nutrients with health benefits. One of the common health advantages of consuming liver is the presence of high-quality protein.

Thanks to the presence of protein in the liver, an individual can enjoy repairing and creating cells. Also, the liver contains a significantly lower level of calories compared to other types of meat. For example, 100 grams of sirloin steak or lamb contains more than 200 calories.

Apart from individuals with gout, the liver can be inappropriate for pregnant women. High intakes of preformed vitamin A found in the liver are linked to congenital disabilities. However, the exact risk remains unclear, and there’s a need to perform more research [3].