
Can Blue Light Cause Headaches?

Blue light and Migraine

According to research, Photophobia, and severe sensitivity to light affects more than 80% of people with migraine. In severe cases, photosensitivity can only be controlled by going to a dark room. Studies show that exposure to amber light, red, white, and blue light can exacerbate migraine and muscle tension.

A 2016 study involving 69 participants with migraine headaches showed that only green light cannot worsen the condition. Some participants felt relief after exposure to green light. The study showed that blue light activated more neurons, cells that collect sensory information and send it to the brain, than other colors. This is why blue light is also referred to as the “most photophobia” type of light. Exposure to brighter white, red, blue, and amber light may increase the intensity of the migraine.

Blue light does not cause migraines. It can only worsen the condition. Studies show migraine is mostly caused by the way the brain processes the light, and not the light itself. People with migraine have light receptors and nerve pathways that are highly sensitive to light.

Studies show that blocking the pathway for all wavelengths of light except green may reduce your sensitivity to light and your risk of having migraines.