
Tips to Relieve Foot Pain from Psoriatic Arthritis

Regular Exercising

Regular exercising can help ease arthritis symptoms. With the right exercise, you can help keep the joints limber and take off the extra weight that puts strain on them. The exercise you engage in is very important as it can as well make your condition worse. Jogging or running is not recommended, you would also be advised to not walk when you feel the hurt and it can aggravate the soreness.

Instead, you should try swimming. Water exercise is particularly recommended for arthritis, because the warm water soothes sore joints, while the buoyancy takes the pressure off them.

Riding a bike or elliptical machine [3] is another workout that can ease the pain of PsA on the foot. You should also include stretches as part of your routine multiple times a week. Stretches will help with sore areas like your Achilles tendon and the plantar fascia on the bottom of your foot.

Your doctor might recommend a physical therapist to teach you how to perform the exercises and the types of exercises that are safe for the foot and joint.

Give your foot a rest

Take your feet off the ground when they hurt. Sit down and prop them on a stool at regular intervals during the day. This will help ease the swelling and sores.