
Diverticulosis Meal Plans – Foods to Eat and Avoid

Whole Wheat Bread

This bread is made from whole wheat grains. It is a much healthier option than regular white bread which may worsen symptoms of diverticulosis. It provides the consumer with dietary fiber for good digestive health. It also contains nutrients like iron, vitamin B, magnesium, and calcium, to improve overall health. Whole wheat bread contains very low saturated fats, which helps prevent the accumulation of bad cholesterol (LDL).


Oatmeal is a highly nutritious food that fits into almost all diets. This is a superfood that can be eaten every day because of its numerous health benefits. It is another fiber-rich food that helps improve diverticulosis symptoms. It contains fermentable fiber, which is a type of fiber that promotes gut health. Oatmeal can also help control your blood sugar levels because of the minimal sugar present.