
Malaria Signs & Symptoms

Low to High-Grade Fever

Cold and shivering are followed by a rise in temperature [3], also known as fever. This symptom may or may not be accompanied by fast and irregular breathing. The temperature rise may be gradual and span between twenty-four to forty-eight hours or can spike very suddenly up to 40.6°C or higher. Malaria-induced fever can take various forms, including intermittent, continuous, or prolonged.

Intermittent fever is when the body temperature spikes up and remains there for several hours, then drops abruptly back to normal. This pattern may last between one to three days;

    • Infection caused by the plasmodium knowlesi causes fever to occur daily, every twenty-four hours.
    • The plasmodium vivax and plasmodium ovale has a forty-eight hours periodicity
    • Plasmodium malariae has the longest interval of three days or seventy-two hours.