
Depression: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments and More

Causes of Depression

Depression is a complicated type of condition and doesn’t have a particular cause, but the risk of getting this disorder can be increased due to the following factors:

Gender: High risk of depression is more in women because of the hormonal changes that occur at different stages of their lives.

Genes: A family background with medical conditions such as eating disorder, health disorder can serve as a huge risk of depression. Little contributions of different genes in the parents can contribute to that of the offspring.

Abuse: Traumatic events such as sexual, emotional and physical abuse can cause one to be vulnerable to depression.

Drug Abuse: People who have substance abuse problems tend to be at risk of this disorder, the substance might help feel better for a while, but it causes vulnerability of depression later in life.

Personal Traits: Some traits such as being too dependent, low self-esteem, being pessimistic can cause one to withdraw from the social world and can cause this disorder.

The death of a close relative or loved one can increase the risk of depression.