
Understanding Baby Overstimulation: Why It Happens, Signs and How to Soothe It

Causes of Overstimulation in Babies

Several factors are responsible for overstimulation in babies, they include:

  • Loud noises, colorful places, bright light and too much crowd might trigger some babies.
  • Staring at screens for a long period. TVs, phones, and other devices can all be too much for a baby’s brain to get used to before they’re at least 18 months old. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends avoiding screen use before age 2, then reducing exposure to around 1 hour of educational programming a day until they’re 5.
  • Excess activity. a toddler could have a meltdown at the end of a day because they had so much to do. Too much activity can be overwhelming due to inability to process much.
  • Missing a nap or going to bed late. Being overly tired can quickly overwhelm your baby.
  • Disruption in routine. Babies have habits, so when they experience changes that get cranky.
  • Too many people. Some babies enjoy meeting people, while others get irritated or overwhelmed when in the midst of people.
  • Extremely cold or warm conditions can play a role in overstimulation.
  • It might be temporary but, teething can irritate your baby and make them more susceptible to other stimuli.
  • Certain medical conditions. For example, autistic [2] children have a more sensitive sensory system, so they get easily overwhelmed by sights, sounds, touch, smells, or tastes. A sick child may also become overstimulated more easily.

Overstimulation can be caused by external stimuli such as crowds and noises or internal stimuli, such as teething [3] or being tired from a missed nap.