
Understanding Baby Overstimulation: Why It Happens, Signs and How to Soothe It

How to Soothe an Overstimulated Baby

If your baby feels overstimulated, several steps to take to calm them down include:

  • Take them away from the situation. The first thing to do to make your baby feel better is to change the environment to a quieter and darker place. You must make sure the room is quiet and talk to your baby in a calm and sweet voice. You should avoid bright colors because they can be stimulating.
  • Swaddle your baby. Swaddling your baby makes things better. It puts a certain pressure, mimics the coziness of the womb and reduces their startle reflex, which some babies find relaxing. However, swaddling does not work for all babies. So if your baby still feels overstimulated, that’s normal.
  • Soothe them with white noise. Soft music or White noise makes your baby feel better. You must avoid TVs or phones, because they are very stimulating for children under the age of 2. The best way to soothe a child is to calm yourself. It is easy to make your baby calm, if you stay calm.
  • Hold your baby, but be prepared to give them space. In some cases, your baby may want to be held or touched. However, you must be ready to give them space if required. Babies in the purple crying phase of their development, which is common in children between ages of 2 weeks and 4 months might hate touches and cuddles when they’re overstimulated because that’s probably what is overstimulating them. If your baby doesn’t want to be touched, lay them down on their back in a safe environment, and stay beside them until they feel better. If you can, leave the over stimulating environment and find somewhere quiet to go.

Other things to do to make babies feel better:

  • read a book to them
  • lay them down
  • playing with non-electronic toys
  • cuddling
  • sensory play

You must make your child feel physically comfortable. You can help them cool down if they feel overheated or give them cozy blankets if they feel cold. If your child feels irritated by itchy [4] clothing, thirst or hungry, ensure you do whatever they need to feel better.

Don’t overlook the basics. In most cases, your child may become overstimulated by things like being too hot or cold, or even tight clothing.