
10 Best Foods for Your Liver Health

Cruciferous Vegetables and Nuts

Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts are vegetables of the family Brassicaceae. These vegetables have been found to contain vitamin K, a vitamin known for its important role in blood clotting.

This vitamin, stored in the liver, helps to promote the liver’s production of the coagulation factors necessary for blood clotting. Also, cruciferous vegetables are good sources of glutathione, which activates natural toxin removing enzymes of the liver and promotes their production.

Nuts owing to their high vitamin E and antioxidants content help to promote the antioxidant capacity and functions of the Liver. They help prevent inflammation and oxidative damage of the liver. Walnut, a nut of trees of the genus Juglans, contains antioxidants as well as omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids which help in the detoxification of ammonia in the liver.

Walnuts are also endowed with high amounts of glutathione and the amino acid arginine which serves as a substrate in the urea cycle.