
10 Healthiest Food to Eat for Breakfast

Bananas and Oats

Bananas contain folic acid (Vitamin B9) and Vitamin B6; these two vitamins help in the production of serotonin, enhancing the mood and decreasing anxiety. Bananas prevent indigestion and help with filling up. They contain soluble fiber that removes cholesterol from the gastrointestinal tract and stops its migration to the bloodstream. Consumption of bananas with morning oats and a tablespoon of chia seed or walnuts helps to improve the activities of the heart.

One of the best meals to have for breakfast is oats. They are 100% full-grain and contain adequate fiber, B-vitamins, plant-based protein, iron, magnesium, and calcium. Consumption of whole oats reduces the risk of heart disease because they have thread called “beta glucan.” This fiber is responsible for regulating cholesterol levels. Beta-glucan provides energy for the body’s probiotics, assisting good bacteria in the digestive system to survive and live.