
10 Most Common Foods with High Zinc


Examples of nuts like pine nuts, cashews, almonds, and peanuts can improve zinc consumption. Moreover, nuts have beneficial nutrients like fiber, healthy fats, and other vitamins. Cashew nuts are the best nuts when looking for nuts that are high in zinc. Twenty-eight grams of cashew nuts contains 15% of the Daily Value (DV). Besides, nuts are great snacks that may reduce risk factors of some diseases like diabetes and other heart conditions.



The inclusion of seeds in one’s diet helps in the increment of total zinc intake. However, it’s important to note that some types of zinc are better than others. Examples of some of the seeds that contain a substantial amount of zinc are pumpkin, squash, hemp, and sesame seeds. Thirty grams of hemp seeds contains 31% of the advised daily intake for men. For women, that same quantity includes 43% of their recommended daily intake. The presence of seeds in some diets has been linked to health benefits like lowered blood pressure [3] and reduced cholesterol.