
Gastritis Food Tips – The Best and Worst Foods

Best Foods for Gastritis

The best foods for gastritis are those that have low fat content, high fiber content, low sugar content and low acidic contents. These foods are detailed below.

Low-Fat Diary

Low fat diary includes food like fat free yoghurt and cottage cheese are good for patients with gastritis. This is because of the soothing effect on the gastric mucosa which helps to mask the pain caused by the inflammation. It also helps in introducing probiotics i.e. beneficial bacteria into the stomach, these beneficial bacteria competitively displace Helicobacter pylori which whose proliferation is a major risk factor for the development of gastritis. Low-fat dairy can be incorporated into your diet by making them a meal course or taking them as snack in between meals.

Whole Grains

Unrefined grains including oatmeal, brown rice, bread and beans are good foods for patients with gastritis.