
Gastritis Food Tips – The Best and Worst Foods

Certain Vegetables and Low-Acid Fruits

Vegetables that are rich in fiber and antioxidants are fantastic options [3] for patients with gastritis. Examples of these vegetables include: leafy green, carrots, green beans, spinach and radishes. Vegetables rich in fiber are useful because they also have probiotic properties that are helpful in counteracting the negative effects of Helicobacter pylori. Anti-oxidants (especially those rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin E) by nature counteract inflammation by reducing the level of sustained oxidative stress and they have been found to reduce the severity [4] of chronic gastritis in affected patients.

Fruits with low acidic content or that are alkaline and preferably have high fiber content are acceptable for patients with gastritis. Examples of these fruits are non-citrus fruits like apples, bananas, cranberries, avocados and raspberries. Apples contain flavonoids, which have inhibitory effect on the growth of Helicobacter pylori, this reduces the amount of Helicobacter pylori present in the gastric mucosa and allows for the proliferation of beneficial bacteria in the stomach. The high fiber content also thickens the wall of the gastric mucous membrane, preventing the gastritis from progressing to an ulcer and aiding recovery.