
Is Naked Juice Healthy?

Potential Benefits

Naked Juice can provide some health benefits. Studies have shown that moderate consumption might help meet the daily antioxidant needs. Also, veggies and fruits can protect the body against chronic conditions thanks to the antioxidant content. In general, antioxidants can fight against damage from free radicals or unstable molecules resulted from oxidative stress. Drinking Naked Juice and other juicing products can noticeably increase levels of folate and antioxidants in the blood. [4]

Excessive Sugar Content

Even completely veggie and fruit juices might contain too much sugar. This is because they pack many servings of whole fruit into the drinking form. On average, a 450-ml serving of Red Machine from Naked Juice is comprised of 3 cranberries, ¼ pomegranate, 7 grapes, 2/3 orange, 13 raspberries, ½ banana, 11 strawberries, and 2 apples. The amount of sugar in a bottle is up to 53 grams, which far exceeds the daily recommended intake. This would increase the risk of many chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Replacing fruit juices with whole fruits can reduce the risk. [5]