
What Is Cholesterol Embolism?

Risk Factors

This medical condition can occur in anybody particularly if the person does anything that causes it but it occurs faster due to the presence of some factors, such as:

  • Age: as a person gets older, the risk of the presence of high cholesterol levels also increases. It is not only restricted to the old but it becomes more serious as you get older.
  • Race: certain races easily get affected compared to others. For example, black Americans are more prone to this condition compared to whites.
  • Weight: overweight or obese people are prone to condition because the level of fat in the body is too much and then increases the level of cholesterol.
  • A person who is hypertensive or has high blood pressure can easily store cholesterol.
  • Males are also more easily affected than females
  • A diabetic patient can also be easily affected.
  • The presence of circulatory disorders like peripheral vascular disease [6] also increases the risk of this health issue because this disorder causes blockage of blood vessels outside the heart and brain.