
10 Healthiest Food to Eat for Breakfast

Greek Yoghurt

Sometimes, nothing beats a delicious, creamy, and nutritious breakfast. Greek yogurts are produced by straining whey and several fluids from milk curds, which provided a creamier yogurt with a higher protein level. The protein present in Greek yogurt helps decrease hunger feelings and has an elevated thermic effect (metabolic activities that occur after eating) than carbohydrates or fats. They also help control weight gain, which is because they increase the presence of hormones that enhance fullness, such as PYY and GLP-1. They contain conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which can increase fat loss and reduce breast cancer risk. Greek yogurts are good sources of probiotics, such as bifidobacteria, which makes the guts healthy. Consuming Greek yogurt with berries or chopped fruits raises fiber content, vitamins, and minerals.