
Top 10 Estrogen Boosting Foods

Soya Beans

Tofu and tempeh are two examples of the various plant-based goods that can be made from soybeans. They can also be eaten as edamame.

Green, immature soybeans known as edamame are frequently marketed frozen in their inedible pods.

Both soybeans and edamame are high in protein, as well as other vitamins and minerals, and have been linked to numerous health advantages. They contain a lot of isoflavones, a type of phytoestrogen.

Because soy isoflavones [2] mimic the effects of natural estrogen, they can cause activity similar to estrogen in the body. They could alter the level of blood estrogen.

According to research, soy isoflavones may contribute to lessening the frequency and intensity of hot flashes. Furthermore, consuming a diet high in soy early in life may reduce the risk of developing breast cancer, but this benefit has not been proven in low soy diets like the normal Western diet.

Supplements containing soy isoflavones may also improve bone health after menopause.

Human estrogen levels are impacted by soy isoflavones in a complicated way. In the end, additional study is required before health professionals can reach a decision.